Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Steps 3.c, 2.c & 4, respectively.

Step 3.C] RE: Holiday Sale. If I haven't replied yet to your commission request or comment that does not mean I'm not doing. Quite the opposite actually, it took more time to write up the "No, I can't take on your work load and here's why" e-mails than I'd thought. You'll be hearing from me soon.
Just sort of wanted to clear up a thing that happens to be biting me on the ass lately.
Chibi's are this:
chibi - rachie
(Chibi is synonymous for 'little'.)

Portraits are this:
teh evil rachie faery
Yes, my portraits can be sort of cartoony (they can also not be by request), but that does not a chibi make.

The major difference between the two; oh, besides quality and resolution? About 3 - 10 hours worth of work and around $80.
Thank you kuchisake_onna for making such a lovely specimen with which to poke at.

Step 2.C] RE: 2008 Conventions. Every comment, e-mail and response was noted and it cleared up my head in a big way. I can't express my thanks enough, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, no really. Because now I can move onto bigger things.

Like the long awaited...
Step 4. I've been offered a show in LA. I'm to understand it's an infamous Comic Shop that hosts art shows for local artists year-round. A friend, whose cousin owns it, threw my name into the hat and I said yes. [My exact words were "oh, maybe. I don't know, uh, I can't think of--well, I'd like to but I don't have anything--can I get back to you-won't take no for an answer will you?"] There is a bit of contract signing and schedule okay-ing but I'm aiming for spring [preferably April] which gives me from now till then to put together something resembling productivity, creativity and sense. That's good, yeah? :D

As soon as I get confirmation from them I'll have things, like Dates, Times and Location but I'm playing it fairly close to the chest until then.

One major difficulty is wrapping my brain around setting up a gallery when I'm on the other side of the continent. But I'm a big picture girl, the rest will sort itself out...or I'll make an ass of myself, which I'm pretty fine with as well. This is pretty much why I solicited help from a faery, that and handholding.

If by some miracle this manages to work out the show will be dragged then to London, possibly August. And honestly, wherever else I wrangle an invite and a couch to sleep on.

Actually, I think the more difficult part is deciding what to put in it. I'm good with organizing galleries, mounting and transporting things, insurance and reassurances, but I've never been the artist victim in the hot-seat before. Heheh, oooh nerves, they're all tingly just thinking.

This leads to Step 5., no, not the tingling.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Steps 2.b & 3.b

Happy Thursday! . . . it is Thursday, right?

My house is a vortex of time-suckage so I'm not sure.

Just want to post about two quick things with regards to the master plan;
Step 2. Looks like MoCCA is much more a Go than I'd have thought. My dad is being amazingly encouraging and I want to see if I can strong-arm my cousin Ronnie' into showcasing art there, to validate the table size and price. Also, I'm now going to NY AnimeFestival. I wasn't before but then Jo Chen announced she was going and I had my credit card in my hand before the page was finished loading. :) I'm weak I know it, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's good though I always feel a bit stupid to miss out on an event in my own backyard because I couldn't be bothered to get on the D-train. It's nice that East Coast is being rather kind to me lately...unlike the West Coast, who doesn't want to pick up the damned phone.

Step 3. Holiday Art-Sale! I wanted to add, if you want a product, like the Personalized Calendar I did last year, or Prints left over from cons previous, or even items on the CafePress store [before they get pulled down], feel free to ask. I'd be pleased as punch to share things and not just commissions. Fact is, ready made would probably be less stressful than newly made and holiday timely.

That's all for now, so back to the festivities. Funny hats, fancy drinks and Food Comas All Around!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Step 3.

3] Having a Holiday Art-Sale! What with the free time and lack of funds it seems like a logical step, yeah? I've been hard upon because I still have three commissions unfinished from last year's sale. Extenuating circumstances and all that but I can't help feeling shit about it. I'd like to assure Morri, Seana & Cassie that they are all fresh in my mind and taking on new work doesn't mean I'd be ignoring theirs but I can only hope they'd believe me. I can't imagine a way to prove it unless I have them all over for lunch and let them tear apart my workspace [which they're all more than welcome to do by the way].

So...Officially, I am open for commissions. Preferably busts or chibi's, holiday or fandom themed, etc. OC's are difficult without enough time or background information and anything as detailed as a full character design would just have me weeping anyway. Prices are from as little as $10 - $50, based on complexity and timeliness [meaning if you need it in a week, to be shipped to Asia for someone's birthday and/or to arrive the day before Christmas, expect to be charged a bit more for shipping, packaging and stress manual labor.] I'd rather a lot of little commissions than two huge million dollar ones that will crush my spirit.

Make sense? If you have question or requests, e-mail me. bhanesidhe @ ohshush . com

Now, if you'd like help and art doesn't appeal to you, you could always just donate for the sake of kindness. I'm not above charity [seriously, I haven't gotten a pay check since May] or you can pimp me out how you like. 'How you like' I mean Art-Wise and by 'pimp' I mean promote, I specify because I don't feel like explaining myself to family when they inevitably get wind of this.

(Basic Pricelist is here - http://ohshush.com/bhanesidhe/commission.html - for anyone needing something structured to wrap their brain around. Or, skip through the "sale" tag to familiarize yourself with the options & process, but there isn't any time limit on this sale, which sounds open ended but actually mean I'll pull the plug on a whim.)
This step was supposed to be Step 4, but since a phone call in the morning will decide the fate of the original Step 3, everything needs to be shuffled around a bit. So, revamped Step 4 first thing in the morning . . . erm, West Coast time ^^;

Step 2.

2] Creating a Convention Schedule for 2008. <--I could use Friendly help with this one. POLL TIME!!
- In 2006 I managed 13 conventions in 12 months. My god, I wont EVER being doing that again.

- In 2007 I swore off conventions entirely from being burnt out. I did still attend a three but never the whole con; AnimeNEXT as a Food Runner, NYComicCon as a Booze Runner & Cookie Pusher and AnimeBoston doesn't exactly count, because while I managed to have a table I spent the whole convention napping under it feeling ill. And that's that.

- In 2008 I'd like to pick just three or four conventions to actually work [not just attend or booze/food run]. It would be ideal to have one per season, but winter is very difficult on my legs so travel is messy.

Poll #1091911 Possible Conventions to attend in 2008:
Which would you choose? And Why?
There are a couple of others not included because my interest wasn't exactly peaked; Big Apple Con, Dragon*Con, YaoiCon, NYComicCon. By that I mean I'd be willing to attend but not to work it, if cost weren't so high or I could share a table I might be persuaded. [Otakon is omitted because its shit.]

I don't need to go to cons but I like to. There is something of a community there that I've been without for a year now. My art has suffered for that, so I'd like for this "One Con a Season" scheme to work out, permanently. Just, you know, rotating conventions yearly so I can see more people, places and friends. Not to mention it's profitable with some effort put.

I'll post Step 3 later on tonight.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Step 1.

There is a project under way ["bhanesidhe goes on tour - 2008" as a Faery entitled it]. Not the usual touring around, intercontinental dive bar hopping, weapons/jewelry shopping and the like. Fact is the ball is already in motion. I could use a bit of help though.

Step 1. - I've given notice at my job. Besides reducing my hours massively for the next two months, in January I will no longer be 'Super-Nanny TM'. We will still be taking NY-State to court over the months of non-payment but it's liberating just beginning to gnaw off the umbilical cord. The term "Life Changing" isn't catchy enough.

New schedule started yesterday. Its odd to go more than 10-whole-minutes without being at the whim of a child's demands [Victor included on account of him being in Florida for Thanksgiving.]

I'll tell Step 2 tomorrow. I need to plot it out, as it is a rather large plan. I'll need loads of support, moral and otherwise, from you lot. I hope it'll turn out good.

And Presently I'm doing laundry, house cleaning, script editing, storyboard sketching, travel scheming, sale organizing, rum drinking, while watch "Death at a Funeral" and laughing/swearing up a storm right now. I'm also wondering why, if finally I'm home alone for the first time (since August of last year), am I wearing quite so much clothes.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Spread love like a virus.

glockgal is conducting an "Artist Love" meme. I'm participating because I can't think of a legitimate reason not to. Lots of artists, lots to love... and frankly I could do with some of that right now.

And what's more fun that telling people you adore them, especially when it sometimes includes random unintelligible squees about porn.

3 "Yay"s for Awkward Affections!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Step One: Convince self 'all green things imbibed are medicinal'

Yesterday; Got shtfacd. On an empty stomach.
Let us pause and think on how detrimental this is to any sort of day planning.

. . .

Continue - Ate insane amounts of Reese's and smoked like a chimney. Haunted old haunts. Sat in various parks, gardens and piers throughout the day, sketching. Felt more like me than I have in I-can't-measure-how-long. Not "good me" but "grumpy me", yet still "Me". Conversing/Bickering with complete strangers is not the worse remedy for hyper tension. Was actually fun. More importantly no one was harmed :D

My one regret... well, I wouldn't have watched the latest episode of "Dexter" before going to see "30 Days of Night". Then, I wouldn't have chanted, loudly "The DARK DEFENDER!!! TO THE RESCUUUUUE!!" throughout the entire climatic fight scene.
In my defense. . . . . . you would have chanted too.

Other than that, self indulgent blissed out of my fucking skull, thnkyouverymuch. XD

Today; Feeling a bit like a chipped ceramic ashtray, full up with filth but still somehow smelling of sweet rum. Not the worse feeling ever, not the best. Still functional though. Still pretty. None worse for the wear, it adds character anyhow-- god, I was actually talking about an ashtray just then. I lost myself in the analogy! Step Two: Drink/Smoke more, think less.

Now to be bold and review sketchbook. See if anything is worth keeping ^^;

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Celebrating it being cold enough to see my breath, finally.

First, I'm going to take a nasty bite out of this fucker.

Then, I'm going to stretch my last $20 like a fucking yoga master.
Lastly, meander through town till sunset and procure the only other detrimental thing I indulge when I'm in this self-destructive-indulgent a mood.

If only this had happened a week sooner. Yes, I know thats mean to say... but I've said meaner.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Is there nothing we can do?

I watched and wailed as my club was turned into a condo with an ajoining Sushi Bar.
...as my dive bars turned into yuppie student pick up joints...
...my local community center turned into a mini-mall...
...St. Marks turn into Camden...
...and now CBGB's turning into fucking fluff...

There is nothing right in my world when I have to commute 21/2 hours out of my way for a decent show.
What could be more depressing in the universe than sobering up on the train ride back from Brooklyn?!
I take that back, there's always Jersey. *shudders*

Thursday, September 27, 2007

"TV ROTS YOUR BRAINS!!" -- Don't Tell Mom The Baby-Sitters Dead

I meant to post those links in the previous post last Friday, but what with the mass of Cartoons premiering last weekend and the sugar coma that immediately followed. (Ambrosia & Malta does not a meal make... a three-day brain spasm, however...)

Oddly enough, since I'm no longer working at home I'm watching more TV. Doesn't leave me time for much else though, while I'm on the clock I mean.
*Adding this Footnote here; since it looses relevance after this point; I watched all of "Coupling " in one go, which is a lot of Gina Bellman to take in this month [she was in Story-Tellers & Jekyll as well], but I think that started the ball rolling on the brunette theme I've now got going on <3 [Must Needs Get a Boober Icon, Must Needs Get a Boober Icon, Must Needs Get a Boober Icon. Rinse, Repeat.]

"Californication" is growing on me like a fungus. I wanted to get more enjoyment out of some hot-chick decking David Duchovny [TWICE!] during sex, but when she was still topless and I'd recognized her as the youngest sibling from "The Nanny" my brain switch to dumb mode. So, if that's going to squick you, there's your warning. Aside from that, I love a show that hates LA as much as I do. The word 'Gratifying' hasn't enough syllables to imbue the proportions of what I feel for that.

"Dexter" always gets a Yay from me, just such good violence. [Yes, I'm talking about season two stuff here.] Sometimes, I remember it has plot and plot's good, but then there's blood and stabbing and mayhem again and I'm grinning so much everything gets sort of blurry.

I liked "Saving Grace". I also liked that I'll now always be imagine what Holly Hunter looks like naked, just for always. It's awesome. Rushed. A bit all over the place. But so much potential and so much Holly. :D

Season Three of "Weeds " started out darker than I'd like but now, it's back to the AWESOMSAUCE. Now there's a phrase I've never used before. Only suddenly, Marie-Kate Olson is listed as cast, not special guest star. AND her face doesn't make me wants to be ill, or violent, or violently-ill. Which is also, somehow, awesome.

I've had Heroes on my hard-drive for days now... and I'm putting it off to watch more of Damages.

"Damages", which is a law drama, 'cept law drama's I've found repetitious, pretentious and verging on tedium since Ali McBeal premiered, but this ... well, it has Rose Byrne, dressed in only a trenched coat, dosed in blood, running around Manhattan for the better part of episode one.

<>[God, I love Rose Byrne. Her performance in Wicker Park aided me in dealing with Josh Hartnett's bible-thumper face. I happily and humbly admit I stole this movie and then purchased one because I then NEEDED to have it in my collection as it's so many level of beautiful and I was wrong, wrong, wrong about it.
Hers was the most cringing, armrest clawing death in 28 Weeks Later [admittedly a zombie-flick I've invested too much money and thought into to still have as many mixed feelings about as I do]. Now for a movie that has had the most awesome gruesome I've seen in years to actually have a scene that make me cover my eyes...well, to pretend to then only to peek through my fingers, it's saying a lot. Both times in the theater mind you. Especially since her death scene was not even the most graphic but I sincerely believe the most gruesome. GOD, I love that bitch.
Then in "Sunshine", she goes and...uh, I can't even say how she made me meeble. She emotes, with just a quirk in the corner of her lips. When she's barely restrained, bleeding hearted empathetic... I hold my breath. Actually a lot of actors in that movie impressed me with being able to suddenly act, like that guy [Chris Evans] from Fantastic Four, who has only ever been a tool. I should watch that movie again tonight. DAMMIT, no time!
She was also the serving girl in Casanova, the BBC series, which I only bring up in passing, because that's exactly how I noticed her. Walking through the room on the way to the kitchen and recognizing that smirk. So, yes, Damages.] < /TANGENT>

It's also got such a dark twist about it. And since I now how well Rose can switch from being innocent damsel in distress to muthrfuckr, I'm following this series till its end or hers. I'm thinking it's very likely to got the way of she has to out evil the greater evil [Glen Close] which I'm all for.

Let's see what else worth mentioning. There's "Reaper" which I love, but Network TV in the States doesn't have a sense of humor about Christianity. So I'm making the time for it god dammit while it's with us, you all should to! Although admittedly it was weird seeing the way they edited in the re-cast of the lead girl. Don't get me wrong, I like this actress [Missy Peregrym] soo much better, I mean she was decent in Heroes last year, but I loved the hell out of her in "Stick It!" I'm all about the brunettes suddenly. Hm.

Wow, I've mentioned Heroes again, still not exactly favorable. The thing I hate about not liking Heroes right now, it's that it's left me scared enough I won't even give Bionic Woman a try and I really wanted to.
"Bionic Woman": Did anyone catch it? Oh, better question; did anyone catch it who watched the original? I'd like to know a few things.
Also, it has a brilliant cast, all these lovable actors from previous shows I hate to love, like the guy [Miguel Ferrer] from Crossing Jordan and the one [Will Yun Lee] from Witchblade... Especially that chick [Michelle Ryan] from Jekyll, so I really want to want to watch it, except that I still don't. :-P to you NBC! Don't Aid to the Ruination of Sci-Fi!!
...or maybe I'll re-watch Jekyll to cheer me up. No! No time. No time!!

Come to think of it, that's exactly why I gave Kyle XY a chance, and continue to watch it. All those lovable veteran Sci-Fi actors I get a kick of seeing still employed. Like Krycek and Mr. White. Two seasons in, still unsure about it but still enamored with the cast. Hell, I just watched all of So noTORIous, for Zachary Quinto, aka 'Sylar', and was not in the least disappointed. Which is say quite a lot actually ^^;

*sigh* to finish the thought on Heroes, before I get lost entirely, since it keeps bubbling under the surface. It's just, it let me down, A LOT. And I had more faith riding on it than most. [By that I don't mean my F-list, but my household and plus. They're all over the moon about it; meanwhile I'm beside myself trying to pinpoint exactly what episode it went to suck. I mean it was so tight in the beginning... My mom's sort of motivated me to give it another go (talk about blind faith, she's never seen an episode). I mean the plot holes on Series One of the New [Doctor] Who drove me mad, I nearly made me give up, but most of that was resolved in Series Three. And Dammit, the world needs better Sci-Fi. Oh, not that I mentioned Doctor Who, I think it was just around the time that Christopher Eccleston guest starred, not poo-pooing on his performance but right about there was when the plot lines began to fray.]

Now, if they were looking for a way to write Comic Book Sci-Fi, modern day and NOT FUCK IT UP, they should have been watching the premieres of Batman and the Legion. Don't get me wrong, they have flaws as well, but I noticed they've been pitching toward this broadly casted story arc through out all their series, EXCEPT it isn't like 90's comic story, banking on the cross-over connections to keep your attention and empty your pocket as individual issue prices rocketed. It's actually much subtler than that, you could blink and miss it entirely. You can watch one show or the other, or even better the DVD movie they just put out of "Doomsday", which is not actually a reference to Doctor Who but rather to the only recoded Death of Superman. They changed it and adapted it to hell and yet the story rings through, through networks, through series, pulling this universe of heroes together so that they're all inter connected, equally affected and yet entirely singular.


So, I should get some rest. This sudden heat-wave we got in NY these last two days has made me a bit sick. I need to rest up for more new Avatar tomorrow, then more new Saturday morning cartoons.

....Hey, did you notice how I didn't mention the kids at all during the BLARGH about cartoons. Yeah, it's 'cuz they're being schooled in the way presently [meaning they're only allowed to finish watching the recorded copies I'd made for them after they read the DOOMSDAY comics, crossover and various Superman spin-off that came immediately afterward, so they can stop asking me whose who and what's going on while I'm trying to watch the damn show! RAGE.]

NerdTests.com says I'm a High Nerd.  What are you?  Click here!
I add this simply because, after a ranty-post like this you can see why I hadn't posted the results of this quiz earlier. It's depressing! Clearly, I'm much more of a Sci-Fi / Comic geek... it's not my fault PC's speak to me.

I wish I could do something other than watch the boob-tube while at work, but as much as I try, anything else, even reading a book just takes too much attention away from the monkey baby.

Any suggestions for something decent and/or new to watch? As noted; my interests are diverse...

Aaaaaaaand now, back to Fraggle Rock. XD

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Dad got written up in the Daily News XD

While we were constructing and mounting a new bookcase in my apartment the other day, we got to chatting about conventions, self-promotions and all sorts of entrepreneurial pursuits. Quite proud of the old man... and my bookcase is stunning, just needs one more coat of white paint. *never content*

"Jorge Freire, Getting Game"... quite possibly that's the best caption, EVER. Well it amused me anyhow.

It's thankfully in English for those interested.

Adds: This is a News segment on the The Illegal Game. It's brief and in Spanish but there is this two second shot where they show some playing cards and you see me & my siblings, at various ages, with very dated hair. It's Awesome! I love my crappy 80's hair with the headband! And Baby!Me All in Pink! Crazy.
