Just sort of wanted to clear up a thing that happens to be biting me on the ass lately.
Chibi's are this:
Portraits are this:
The major difference between the two; oh, besides quality and resolution? About 3 - 10 hours worth of work and around $80.
Thank you kuchisake_onna for making such a lovely specimen with which to poke at.
Step 2.C] RE: 2008 Conventions. Every comment, e-mail and response was noted and it cleared up my head in a big way. I can't express my thanks enough, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, no really. Because now I can move onto bigger things.
Like the long awaited...
Step 4. I've been offered a show in LA. I'm to understand it's an infamous Comic Shop that hosts art shows for local artists year-round. A friend, whose cousin owns it, threw my name into the hat and I said yes. [My exact words were "oh, maybe. I don't know, uh, I can't think of--well, I'd like to but I don't have anything--can I get back to you-won't take no for an answer will you?"] There is a bit of contract signing and schedule okay-ing but I'm aiming for spring [preferably April] which gives me from now till then to put together something resembling productivity, creativity and sense. That's good, yeah? :D
As soon as I get confirmation from them I'll have things, like Dates, Times and Location but I'm playing it fairly close to the chest until then.
One major difficulty is wrapping my brain around setting up a gallery when I'm on the other side of the continent. But I'm a big picture girl, the rest will sort itself out...or I'll make an ass of myself, which I'm pretty fine with as well. This is pretty much why I solicited help from a faery, that and handholding.
If by some miracle this manages to work out the show will be dragged then to London, possibly August. And honestly, wherever else I wrangle an invite and a couch to sleep on.
Actually, I think the more difficult part is deciding what to put in it. I'm good with organizing galleries, mounting and transporting things, insurance and reassurances, but I've never been the
This leads to Step 5., no, not the tingling.
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