"ZOMBIES" is tomorrow theme for 30 Day Drawing Challenge, so if you're going to be in NYC, come to The Infernal Devices; Clockwork Angel book release/announcement event, where I will probably ask you to make your bestest zombie face
Actually, ~SupeRsquiTo-PouF and I will be there, hiding in plain sight, while Cassie Clare says a thing, in the after glow of Holly Black & Maureen Johnson being awesome, plus Prizes and Revelry!
Barnes & Nobles in Store EventI would say, "If you can come, that'd be swell. If you can't... I hear someone will be someone will be live-streaming it,
Wednesday August 04, 2010 7:00 PM
Union Square
33 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003, 212-253-0810
So, if you have your copy of FCBD: City of Bones Comic I suggest you make the effort to come out. I'd promise not to bite but that option feels subjective.
Wednesday’s [August 4th 2010, B+N Union Square affair] was a warm and memorable event (and not just because the humidity was about a billion). Thank you to everyone who turned up and made it awesomener!
We were all very grateful. Actually, grateful doesn’t begin to sum up…
[The pic links to an LJ!Scrapbook full of photos. If you’ve got some too, I’d love to see/share them!]
Now, you know, back to work-stuffs…
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