Thursday, August 29, 2013

Once @ Tir Na Nog

Last Thursday (August 22nd) some penultimately effed-up stuff happened in the life of a val, which culminated in this.

Like all "Best Laid Plans" nothing went down how it was mean to go but as to how that lead to a late-night singalong of "Lean On Me" with the cast of Once The Musical, in a pub called Tir Na Nog, captured for posterity on Arthur Darvill's vine... that particular bit of magic I feel follows the rules as I've previously begun to explain.

Have we been taking notes kids? Proper Notes? When None Of The Things Are Going Your Way Let Things Go Your Way Anyway.
How do you do that? Well, you just do.
paraphrasing of course, but--

Props to Niece!Crystal for being gracious, a bit of a bully & proud of all my-ness despite my downtroddenness.

Plus Lucas Papaelias, that Carlos Valdes & Paul Whitty too tho. God damn brilliant Paul Whitty! Crazy kind, talented, supportive, heartfelt, lot. Did I mention talented? And that Arthur guy, he's pretty nice too. I bet he's going places. Even though he didn't know the words to "Bye Bye Miss American Pie" (but was bold enough to explain as much, in verse & lead straight back to the chorus. d(-_^))
Yeah, just, thanks life, for kicking me in the butt.

(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ♫・*:.。. .。.:* special thanks for the High-5's of approval for bootlegging your YouTube "Red-Headed Mary" performance
onto my iPod because for fuck sake Ugh! you guys killed me with that!

tldr; bad day? its okay not to force it.
  1. its okay to listen to advice from someone 1/2 your age
  2. its okay to go to noisy Pubs for quiet moments of contemplation
  3. its okay to talk to people when they offer to listen, whomever they are [*]
  4. its okay to take things when people are okay being stolen from, you know artists
  5. its okay to dance & not know the moves, thats how new moves are made & comfy chairs get broken in
  6. its okay to let someone take the lead who doesn't know the words, its how singalongs are sung longer, 'til we close out the bar
  7. its okay, you know I love you anyway.

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Mortal Instruments; City of Bones LA Premiere (How That Did NOT Go Down & Why We Should Celebrate!)

Everyone did one of these pics months ago, I forgot to upload mine. This was on my way to the clinic to get injections into my spine, for reasons, with a fancy blouse, leather skirt & machine gun stockings as you do. Check how I own these bitches!! To busy-ness--

Hello kids, I want to tell you a story today, because today is a day where all stories about stories are made true for you. Most especially for my very-est good friend Cassie, who I have shared something magical with. Something that started nearly 10 years ago on the doorstep of my tattoo shop and tonight is comes stealthily to doorstep of unsuspecting viewerships world over. And that's more than a little cool.
This! This however is a story of how I dislike Cinderella. Tonight is "The Mortal Instruments; City of Bones" premiere in LA and I'm missing it, partly because my dress is in London mostly because mys'elf is in New York and a little bit because I am not Cinder-fucking-ella.
I think more than a few people would rally and stress and world-whine themselves up to get to Hollywood "or Bust" and I could do. I really could. But I will sit this one out to stay home and make something special instead. Whinging for "Grand Balls" is over-rated and out of fashion, when Cindy should have just stolen that carriage gotten out of dodge. For real tho, she pinned for a thing she didn't know and hadn't really earned just because everyone else pinned for it too. Maybe its me but that's real fucked-faced, what sort of hoe-y example does that set? And to have your whole future-destiny set on fancy shiney flashy clothing... (don't get me wrong, my dress was Shadowhunter-y, Rachel Freire designer made, better-in-black, bend-you-over-backward-and-smex-you-happy-awesome but still I wasn't going to summon up a demon just to wear it. But yay! Nepotism!)
So, I'm not sitting at home feeling very Cinderella-y as she is my more loathed of the fairy princess, since she is not a fairy or nor a princess at all but a poser! I mean if you're going to have access to magic for one night, really access that magic! She really should have used the pumpkin carriage to overwhelm and go all "Stand-n-Deliver". To rob everyone coming up the highway toward the Palace, use the rat-henchmen as muscle cuz once midnight hit, no one could have identified her and she'd have all teh swag and lived large, maybe even done good with her fortune, become a femme fatale robin hood/pied-piper, a legend in her own right!
THAT would have been magical! THAT is a much better story!
I'm not sure how exactly but I would like to change my story to make tonight magical, for everyone who isn't and is going. I would like to not have anyone pine for something that is ephemeral, so fleeting, like a little ass premiere, in a little ass town, in a little ass theater but instead make it a large ass DANCE!
I'm serious.
It’s the one thing I would have done on the Red Carpet. Cassie knows that for sure. Everywhere I go I do a little dance. I dance a bit if I'm happy, nervous, bored, upset, sleepy. Excited, especially excited! So, do a little dance kids, bring that mo-fo Grand Ball to you!
As far as the film, your expectation, your anticipation, your nervousness, excitements, boredom... on the line, in your seat, at home or waiting for a coffee at your local 'not' Starbucks, dance a little. Everything will be fab, I promise you. "Have a little, Faith."
Ohhhh, yeah! Did I forget to mention that? I just made a "FAITH” Glyph-Rune tonight. I'm dancing over that too! I'd very much like to dance with youヽ(´ー`)ノ