Sunday, November 15, 2009

Want More Shadowhunter Runes Made?

To show thanks for your interest in my Runic Tattoos I'm posing a question. Cassie wants to create a new set of Runes for The Infernal Devices series. She's requested a small set of 2 or 3 but it's not enough. I need 10 more for a Full Sheet of Flash!

So I'd like to hear what you've got to suggest; Understand that
  1. Singular words only
  2. Commands are acceptable [Direction as well as Inflection]
  3. and no Names.

So put Brain-Boxes to the On & Upright position?

If you were a Shadowhunter what rune would you need most to survive?

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

A jewelry designer contacted Cassie a while ago about doing a limited edition run of rings, necklaces and wrist cuffs based on the Mortal Instruments, so we gave her the go ahead and she opened an Etsy shop:

Cassie and I turned down getting any portion of the proceeds in favor of them going a charity (Reading Is Fundamental, which is a literacy program for children). :D

I am so getting me a pendant. Awesome fans are just AWESOME! :love:


Thursday, September 17, 2009


1. Cross-Fandom Mash-ups
2. Hot Guys of Fiction
3. A Selection of Previous Wallpapers
4. Original Characters
5. Story-Book theme (although which wasn't touched on)
6. Modern-Urban Retake on Classic Fairy Tales
7. Sketches/Design
8. Other:


Remember!Suggesting themes is the best way to get new art for your favorite thing, entirely for free! Just sayin'

- posted by val freire

Monday, August 17, 2009

Massive Mortal Instruments Party and Book Signing!

:bulletblack:Saturday, August 22
:bulletblack:12:00pm – 2:00pm
:bulletblack:Bryant Park Reading Room

A Massive Mortal Instruments Party and Book Signing! at Bryant Park, N.Y.C. (also on Facebook )

RSVP to win giveaways and get entered in a drawing to win a Shadowhunters flash drive loaded up with exclusive the Mortal Instrument stuffs. OR just turn up, say 'hi' and get various free stuffage that Cassie and I are putting together for you lovely, amazing fans.

I forgot to post about this until the material got here yesterday... also forgotten how keen it is seeing your own art all SHINY! :dalove:

- posted by val freire

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Just got this in one of the coolest e-mails from a fan, just about, ever!

If anyone, anywhere, does anything nearly as cool as getting my designs tattooed on them, PLEASE share! Stuck. Sort of speechless. In grinning power-crazed creative amusement here. And I could really get used to it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

SketchBlog on Tumblr!

So, for various reason but mostly to spite my carpal tunnel's, I'm now keeping a Sketch Blog! :boogie:

I unearthed a crap load of old sketchbooks, scanned them, uploaded and backdated them, so there are some things that are also in the scrap section but A LOT that isn't/won't be.

And for a very specific someone ([info]anemay) who requested a very specific thing, Enjoy!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Catching up on things...

2009 Kids ComicCon - Dave & Raina
2009 Kids ComicCon - Dave & Raina

Weekend of April 24-26, 2009 - Was Kids Comiccon. We started out the day with upward of 7 kids and ended up with 2 (unless you count [info]tier_luren, then it felt more like 5.)

Aria (Niece, Age 7) had a bad cold but insisted on attending. Of course, she fell asleep during [info]goraina & [info]yaytime's panel, but I'm sure that was the fever and not a judgment on her part.

She did wake up in time to demand Chibi's!
2009 Kids ComicCon
Other Notables:
  • randomly getting the Nick Magazine [info]ali_wildgoose wrote Avatar stuffs for ^_^
  • Running into Lil Cousin 'Ronnie' @ Surprise!Jim Hanley booth =^__^=

Free Comic Book Day,FCHS Signing
Weekend of May 1-3, 2009 - was Free Comic Book Day. In contrast to Kids ComicCon, I expected no children and 4 turned up, (unless we count [info]tier_luren& [info]syndara then the number jumps to 12).

We turned up early @ Jim Hanely's Universe for the FCHS signing (with Author: Vito & Artist: Ronnie), wherein the game was how many ways can you make a cousin snort/laugh before her adoring public.

Answer: Three.

Saturday Also Featured:
  • Monsters Vs. Alien in 3D & Vertigo :D
  • Secret Breakfasts in SEEKRIT!! (w/ Rachel "Ronnie" Freire*)
  • *not to be confused with Rach "Faery" Freire/[info]kuchisake_onnaAlternative Miss World that weekend. Congratuwelldone! who was doing her winningest @
  • Another Secret rendezvous (w/ Cousin Ronnie, plus Cousin Elise) only this time, Adventureland!
Sunday Featured:
  • Rained out Picnics Tours in Epic Cemeteries
  • Guided by a bemused [info]oneangryrabbit
  • Rum tasting with [info]calloocallay (special guest star [info]soupkills as "Comatose Guy")
  • and a Mausoleum for the Family "Cavemeister", crazy Pyramid featuring Jesus & Baby Eating Sphinx, not to mention the equally Narcissistic and Gratuitous grave of one "Gabe Gabriel".
  • Also, lots and lots of rain.

Greenwood Cemetery

Greenwood Cemetery

Greenwood Cemetery

Greenwood Cemetery

Casa Mello

Weekend of May 8-10, 2009
  • Greyhound ride of Ironic Hell (including 1/2 day in a broke down bus in South Jersey.)
  • Lavish cliffside stay @ Casa Mello, in Pasadena
  • Becca's Memorial BBQ Dinner.
  • Lots of SoCo, Tequila & Commiserating.
  • the mysterious disappearance of 3 cell phone chargers, 2 Mac Power cords and 1 Brother.

Weekend of May 15-17, 2009
  • 2 almost arrests cuz chuckle-headed brother, Gabe/[info]tier_luren couldn't figure out how to cross the street, whilst intoxicated
  • leaving LA, but ONLY after Sushi with [info]hermorrine & [info]mayapurple
  • Drive out to San Diego and visit Casa Dalton
  • Watch Star Trek, forgetting Thom was a Trekkie...
  • ...and corrupting the Mini-Masses XD
  • Climbing in and around the "Cottonwood Grove", on trees meant for climbing... shame the Dalton kiddlings weren't with that day ^^;
  • Winning Tickets from a local radio station to see NIN/JA in Chula Vista
  • 1 more almost arrest cuz chuckle-headed Thom tried flinging himself @ Perry Farrell
  • 6am flight to NYC, only to get whiplash on the cab ride home ^^;
NIN/JA in Chula Vista
pic taken for [info]misstuesday
and only under duress and after 6 cocktails.

Next Weekend May 22-24, 2009 - AnimeBoston, special guest starring [info]ali_wildgoose ... stay tuned!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Year of the OX!

year of the ox
I have people poking at my home. They will be doing so all week. She's been needing a facelift for some time now, it's all very exciting, in a head-achy sort of way. So, to be sure I'm not to forgetful I'll list a few things worth noting.
  • NY ComicCon is a go!* Deliberating on which kid(s) to bring.**
  • Leaving on the Feb 9th to Florida for ceremonious things. Back on the 17th.
  • Thinking of having an art-sale to keep me busy whilst I'm away....
  • ...only ali_wildgoose & heidi8 should really get back to me with specifics, since they're my only outstanding (which I haven't heard from)***.
  • Guess whats? I've got a President I can respect. Never thought I'd see the day. Also, I voted for him. Equally shocking realization, each and every single morning.
  • akickinthehead? Dude. While I predicted this, I'm still greatly saddened by it.Waaaah!
  • Sending postcards out late, but I made a variety of three kinds, so despite this image no one knows what they'll get. Stealthy!
  • This year? Already masses better than the last... and its just begun!
*Might have to miss Friday due to house pokings.
**How to choose? RL should have poll options for all things.
***Outstanding Commissions is the ban of my existence. Can't sleep, can't eat, muses'll eat me.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Input Needed

While I'm designing this Years (of the Ox) card, I started needling over the idea of a 2009 Calendar.

I'm not exactly sure when I got into the habit of it, probably when ashkitty offered my the privilege of having a hand in her 2004/2005 Quidditch Calendars. Then for Otakon I did a Fan-Art Calendar in 2006. 2007 I did a Muse Themed one (which was great because I could input holidays, plus it traveled surprisingly well). And then I made a Magnetic Calendar for 2008.

Sooo, now what? I had hoped to preempt this brain scratching with the Geek!Girl Calendar but that got complicated. So, its;

Whichever gets the mass of votes I'll put together and make it available for a small sale, since I need a Calendar anyway and the Mother-lady is being pretty adamant about getting hers.
Other News: Had a Tooth pulled on Tuesday. The combination of not being able to eat before hand, not being able to chew afterward, taking anti-biotics and powerful pain meds on an empty stomach has left me really-really loopy. As soon as I'm able to hold a pencil again I'm too finish all outstanding commissions. Promise!