Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Year of the OX!

year of the ox
I have people poking at my home. They will be doing so all week. She's been needing a facelift for some time now, it's all very exciting, in a head-achy sort of way. So, to be sure I'm not to forgetful I'll list a few things worth noting.
  • NY ComicCon is a go!* Deliberating on which kid(s) to bring.**
  • Leaving on the Feb 9th to Florida for ceremonious things. Back on the 17th.
  • Thinking of having an art-sale to keep me busy whilst I'm away....
  • ...only ali_wildgoose & heidi8 should really get back to me with specifics, since they're my only outstanding (which I haven't heard from)***.
  • Guess whats? I've got a President I can respect. Never thought I'd see the day. Also, I voted for him. Equally shocking realization, each and every single morning.
  • akickinthehead? Dude. While I predicted this, I'm still greatly saddened by it.Waaaah!
  • Sending postcards out late, but I made a variety of three kinds, so despite this image no one knows what they'll get. Stealthy!
  • This year? Already masses better than the last... and its just begun!
*Might have to miss Friday due to house pokings.
**How to choose? RL should have poll options for all things.
***Outstanding Commissions is the ban of my existence. Can't sleep, can't eat, muses'll eat me.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Input Needed

While I'm designing this Years (of the Ox) card, I started needling over the idea of a 2009 Calendar.

I'm not exactly sure when I got into the habit of it, probably when ashkitty offered my the privilege of having a hand in her 2004/2005 Quidditch Calendars. Then for Otakon I did a Fan-Art Calendar in 2006. 2007 I did a Muse Themed one (which was great because I could input holidays, plus it traveled surprisingly well). And then I made a Magnetic Calendar for 2008.

Sooo, now what? I had hoped to preempt this brain scratching with the Geek!Girl Calendar but that got complicated. So, its;

Whichever gets the mass of votes I'll put together and make it available for a small sale, since I need a Calendar anyway and the Mother-lady is being pretty adamant about getting hers.
Other News: Had a Tooth pulled on Tuesday. The combination of not being able to eat before hand, not being able to chew afterward, taking anti-biotics and powerful pain meds on an empty stomach has left me really-really loopy. As soon as I'm able to hold a pencil again I'm too finish all outstanding commissions. Promise!