Thursday, January 20, 2011

concept sketch - BG NYC

NYC. When I travel I miss this messy smelly cranky crowded place, not the actual place it is now but the sense of her. The shops that have closed and hand-made trinkets bartered therein, the breaking into city parks long after dark to just to share a swing seat and watch the stars, the all-ages night clubs that used to be a Church or used to be a Bank and would someday soon become a Farmer's Market. Places that aren't there anymore except for the feel of them.

I think New York is a vampire; it makes old-souls of lovers and while staying always young, always changing, always new.

This is how I remember her best.

Everything in this drawing is inaccurate. And that is what makes it perfectly right.
A friend pointed out I hadn't made a print of this, that is because it's SUCH a weird size. Apparently DeviantArt will also print in weird sizes :D

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