Monday, November 19, 2007

Step 1.

There is a project under way ["bhanesidhe goes on tour - 2008" as a Faery entitled it]. Not the usual touring around, intercontinental dive bar hopping, weapons/jewelry shopping and the like. Fact is the ball is already in motion. I could use a bit of help though.

Step 1. - I've given notice at my job. Besides reducing my hours massively for the next two months, in January I will no longer be 'Super-Nanny TM'. We will still be taking NY-State to court over the months of non-payment but it's liberating just beginning to gnaw off the umbilical cord. The term "Life Changing" isn't catchy enough.

New schedule started yesterday. Its odd to go more than 10-whole-minutes without being at the whim of a child's demands [Victor included on account of him being in Florida for Thanksgiving.]

I'll tell Step 2 tomorrow. I need to plot it out, as it is a rather large plan. I'll need loads of support, moral and otherwise, from you lot. I hope it'll turn out good.

And Presently I'm doing laundry, house cleaning, script editing, storyboard sketching, travel scheming, sale organizing, rum drinking, while watch "Death at a Funeral" and laughing/swearing up a storm right now. I'm also wondering why, if finally I'm home alone for the first time (since August of last year), am I wearing quite so much clothes.

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